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The Fishing Journal

The fishing journal is an item that will allow the player to keep track of the fish that they have discovered while playing the game.


This page is mainly about the mechanics of the fishing journal menu. For more about the fishing journal item, see this page.

Unlocking fish

A player can right-click with the fishing journal book to open the menu and see the fish they have collected. When the player first joins a world, their fishing journal will be empty, and will not be able to see any pages besides the welcome page. The welcome page will hide itself when the journal becomes populated.

When a player picks up a fish that they have not discovered yet, it will be automatically added to their fishing journal and a toast popup will be displayed. That fish item will then be permanently added to the journal for that player in that world. Keep in mind that the fishing journal will not share content between players.



The fishing journal screen can be navigated using the buttons at the bottom of the screen.

The journal will contain pages, and each page will contain profiles. Each profile can be seen in the form of a box containing the fish item. Profiles that are not unlocked yet will have the fish item display in black, while unlocked profiles will display the full color version of the fish it references.



Below the profiles, each page will contain a description about what kind of fish it contains.



Profile boxes that have been unlocked but not read will display a yellow marker in their corner. This marker will disappear when the profile is read.

To read an unlocked profile, click on the profile box. A new screen will appear with info about the fish.



Each profile will contain the name of the fish, excluding unnecessary prefixes (ex. Raw Salmon would display as Salmon) on the left/top-left side of the view. Below the name will be a picture of the fish's item texture.


Most fishes will have a description. Fish that don't have one will display the title centered vertically in the middle of the page instead of the top. The description will display information about the fish itself.


The right side of the profile view will display the most common location and climate of the fish. The location will tell you the quality of water, dimension, biomes, or structure the fish can be found in. The climate will tell you the preferred conditions or temperature of that fish.


If commands are enabled, the journal can be cleared of all profiles and pages by running the command /journal lock